Practical Words to Master for Professionals
Pronunciation/Syllable Stress Patterns
of Words Frequently Used By Professionals
- I will say the word at a normal speed, then slowly, then at a normal speed. Repeat during the pause. *I recommend looking at p. 6 before your start!
- After you've done this, make a recording of yourself saying the list of words. You can do 5 words at a time, or 10… judge for yourself how many you can practice and master at once. (You'll want to return to the list several times; for example, several days in a row in order; several times a day, if you can, to really reinforce the pronunciations. It truly only takes a few minutes, but does SO much for your mastery. You will start to better recognize other words that have the same syllable patterns.)
- Finally, use each word in sentence you would say. Speak out loud. I suggest recording yourself. Pause a moment before listening back, or you might hear what you intended, not what you said. It's a good idea to say the sentence a few times so that the pronunciation of the word really starts to solidify.
I have made FOUR recordings: one for the first pattern— #1 is a two-syllable downward staircase; #2 is a three-syllable downward staircase; #3 is the 3-syllable up-and-down staircase; and #4 is the 4-syllable up-and-down staircase, as well as the words with predictable patterns because of their suffixes.
Note: Phonetics are not used, since most people aren't familiar with the symbols, so I tried to write out what is as phonetic and understandable as possible. A blue letter means that the sound is the name of the letter.
Phonetics: .ɛn dʒə ˌniːɚ
What I have used: en ju NE yer or en j' NEEyer
business BIZ niss
public PUB lik
bias BI yis
leverage LEV ridj
structured STRUK ch'rd
method METH 'd or METH id
global GLO b'l
clients KLI yints