Voice Training and Speech Improvement For A Better You

Improve Communication Skills to Empower Your Voice

Your voice is your calling card. Research shows that as much as 90% of a first impression is based on the sound of your voice, facial expressions, and body language. Do you want to listen to this person? Are you interested in hearing what they have to say? Do you want to do business with them? Voice training is practical and empowering. You will experience the change in your voice, the way you feel about yourself, and the way others respond to you. Here are some questions to ask yourself to find out if you would benefit from voice and speech training.

  • How do you rate your communication skills?
  • Are you a confident speaker?
  • Do you convey your intended message clearly and effectively?
  • Are you able to structure what you want to say?
  • Is your voice small, shrill, or too nasal? Is it difficult for you to be heard in a group setting?
  • Do you talk too fast? Too loud? 
  • Have you been told that you need to speak up or that you mumble?
  • Do your sentences trail off? Do you use vocal fry?
  • Do you speak with an accent or regional dialect that you feel may be holding you back or creating limitations for yourself?
  • Do people respond in ways that you would like after hearing you speak?

Vocal presence is the state where your words, facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, emotions, and imagination are all fully engaged and congruent in conveying your message.

Expressions of leadership and love have as much to do with sound and delivery as with words. 

Learn how to use breath most effectively for speech, create greater resonance, and speak in a clear and confident way that is authentic and powerful. Address critical mindset issues that may be holding you back.


You can work either individually or in a group, depending on your preferences. Programs are highly tailored to meet your needs.

Click here for a FREE pdf and audio file on how to become a more dynamic speaker.

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