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Become a More Dynamic Speaker


Are you a non-native OR native English speaker and struggle with sounding not only fluent but dynamic and interesting?

The rhythm, flow, stress patterns and intonation of a language are critical components of speech and communication.

In this free pdf and audio guide, I break down ways for you to 1.) be more easily UNDERSTOOD, 2.) get LISTENED to, and 3.) become a more COMPELLING speaker.

Let me know what you think. What specific issues do YOU struggle with in your communication? Let me know. Comment below, send me a dm or email me. I'll write back, I promise! :) Your feedback is helpful because it's often what I base my free online classes on!   

Click here for the free guide!

Pronunciation | Project Management Words

I often work with non-native English speaking groups or individuals who use certain words frequently in their jobs that are challenging. I provide them with lists, audio, and videos, like the one here. This is a list of words related to project management. I recommend repeating the words--several times, and then using them in 2-3 sentences that you would use in your work. Next, pay attention to the way you say them in real conversation--that's the carryover!

project management, estimate(d), standards, practices, global, agile, effort, activity, facilitate, maintain, maintenance, dependency, balanced, acceptance criteria, analytical, enhancement, upgrade, acquisition, and status.

Let me know what words or lists of words YOU would like recorded! 😀

Are You VERY WARY of the "V" and "W" Sounds? Don't Be!

Are You VERY WARY of the "V" and "W" Sounds? Don't Be!Are you a non-native English speaker who is challenged by the "v" and "w" sounds?The sounds v, w and p, b, f can get a little confusing. If you're Russian, German, Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Spanish... these sounds can be tricky!Join me in my FREE online class where I break these sounds down, answer any questions you have specific to your challenges, and you will get some great English practice in!Click the link to JOIN, tell a friend, and look forward to seeing you there!Thursday, May 19th at 6:15 PM. If you can't join this one, I hope to see you at the next!

**If you would like a FREE practice activity (pdf and audio) for the "w" and "v" sounds, fill out the form on this page or go to Contact and write "FREE V and W PRACTICE."

I often make videos for my 1:1 accent clients, and I decided to share this one. The past tense -ed marker can be tricky for non-natives. 

After an unvoiced consonant, like "p," the -ed sounds like /t/. After a voiced consonant, it sounds like /d/ (jogged). After a t or d, it sounds like /id/.
But it gets tricky when the word following the past tense verb starts with a consonant. The held, unreleased stop is very subtle! Also, you don't want to make the mistake of releasing the final sound-- ex. "He walked a to the store."

If you'd like a more in-depth explanation or if you'd like practice on producing the past tense marker in English (a free pdf and audio), get in touch! Write "Past tense -ed" in your note!

Check out my blog for more info. and details on how to make your voice sound less nasal.