A Reminder to Employees and Managers
It has to do with your SPEECH, VOICE, AND COMMUNICATION style.
THAT'S why you're not being promoted...
Or getting the sale... or convincing your boss or co-workers of your point, or getting the gig, or making the overall impact you desire...If you don't learn how to make your presence felt, speak clearly, sound confident, and use your words powerfully and effectively, you might as well just settle in 🏡, because it's unlikely you're going anywhere or moving up anytime soon.
Communication skills CAN be enhanced, developed, and strengthened! That's why it KILLS me to see people languishing in their roles, just because they haven't sought or found the right support and training.
On management's side, when employees don't feel supported in this way; i.e. are not offered the right training-or are turned down when asked for professional services, they become less engaged, feel less at ease in the office, less understood and supported, and may even consider seeking work elsewhere.
-Management, tough note: You need to be nurturing your talent and high potentials, not alienating them. It's just smart business. 🏦
Employees: Seek communication skills training!
Management: Offer communication skills training!📈 I promise you, there is absolutely no surer return on investment.Over my 25 years in doing this, I've seen people get promotions, seek better positions, finally have the confidence to start their own businesses, and develop a sense of confidence they never felt before in themselves, in their roles, their self-perception, and self-expression. (It can truly be transforming and even a life-changer for many people.)
"Fun" Facts:
🤯 --In 2019, a study done by the IDC found that companies with over 100,000 employees or more were losing sixty-two MILLION dollars on average each year due to misunderstandings.
-No big surprises here: People who possess a strong vocal presence maintain a distinct competitive advantage in winning new business and securing the best jobs, particularly in a weak economy.
They are also more popular, have more admirers and higher incomes than those who do not. They are twice as likely to be promoted to leadership positions.
If you think you're finally ready to invest in yourself the way you deserve, drop me a note. I'd be more than happy to chat. The solutions are more attainable AND more powerful than you might know.
P.S. Does your company support communication skills training? Help with accent, voice, presenting, overall communication? I'm curious to know.