Why Should I Change the Way I Speak?


Updated 8/26/24

If you are happy with the way you speak, don't change it. But if there are things about it you'd like to improve, do something about it!

When you are dissatisfied with something in your appearance, you can alter it, to the extent that is possible. The same is true for your speech. The way you use your voice and the how you deliver your words is based on anatomy, language history, and habit. Your speech is so much more malleable than you may think! You may look good, but it is when you open your mouth and start communicating- that's how people really "see" you. And to a huge extent, the way you see yourself.

If you speak in a low volume, you may be projecting a lack of self-confidence. People get tired of asking you to repeat yourself, so often don't. That can lead to all types of problems, both socially and professionally.

Speaking too fast can make you seem unsteady and affect credibility and overall presence. Monotones bore people. Trailing off frustrates people. Mumbling also hurts your image as a strong, confident, credible speaker.

Using upspeak or glottal fry makes you sound adolescent, and does nothing for your image as a professional. Voices that sound "stuck in the throat" do not lend the kind of expression necessary to close the deal.

If you have an accent that makes it difficult for people to understand you at times, or robs you of your confidence, why not challenge yourself to change? 

All of these communication issues can be addressed and modified. Habits are hard to change by yourself; especially ones that you aren't completely aware of or those that are deeply connected to your identity. Working with a professional can help you change old habits into ones that will enhance your presence, credibility and influence. AND greatly improve your state of mind and well-being!

A therapeutic communication makeover!
A therapeutic communication makeover!

An afternoon tweak of a fancy facial might make you feel and look good for a while, but changing the way you speak and liking the way you sound goes beyond skin-deep, and will have longer-lasting and more meaningful results.

If you're curious about how speech, voice and communication training can work for you, get in touch! Consultations are free and there is absolutely NO pressure to do anything other than take in the information. Plus, I'll bet you'll walk away having learned something you didn't know!